Category Archives: Feedback summary assignment 5

Feedback summary BoW Assignment 5

Had a great Zoom meeting with Jayne on Thursday 1st October lasting over an hour, my final tutorial.

We looked at my BoW on my blog and the website I have set up. She commented it’s great to see how much the work has evolved since the first assignment. 


A coherent set that works really well, all with the same white background and no layering of the original photographs. 

Jayne suggests moving the text from the left hand side to the right, in addition to moving it higher up nearer the photograph. Plus, we agreed the text on the images on my blog assignment submission are much too small if presenting digitally for assessment. I will amend accordingly.

There are two consecutive images in the set of sky  (When the world was black and white and The sky was always blue). Jayne suggests changing the sequence, I agree and will have a play around to consider where to place it.

I have two contemporary images of St Michael’s Mount in the set It will always remind me of her and She’s gone. The repetition of view is unnecessary in the set and the colour tones look different. Hence, I will exclude the former. There is a third montage containing a contemporary image of the Mount, I miss her stories. However, the Mount is obscured by mist, although the same view the scenery is very different and I feel due to its concealment it has a place in the set.  

Jayne felt one caption…Happy Days… jarred in comparison to the more reflective wording of the others. I totally agree, I just hadn’t thought if anything better prior to submitting my assignment ! Since I am excluding She’s gone I can perhaps rename this to He’s gone ! 

I mentioned the case all these photographs are kept in, an old leather case. Originally full of whiskey it was given to my aunt as a present whilst she was ‘in service’ at the local mine owners house prior to WW2. Jayne thinks it’s a great idea to present a small photograph of it, perhaps in my introduction. It has featured in previous assignments at L2 but deserves to be included here too. The case is a time capsule.   

We discussed the book I made, obviously this was an initial prototype and needs lots more consideration. Jayne thinks it will be a great way to present my work and is something I can follow up during SYP. She’s recommended a London bookbinder who create bespoke books and I’m very excited at the prospect of looking into this. There’s lots to think about when designing a book, full bleed, double page spread etc. Plus the inclusion of more archival photographs. This is definitely the way I want to proceed. 

Frozen (in time)

We looked at the standalone images + the slideshow.

Presenting the frozen images singly rather than as a diptych / triptych works fine.

The slideshow works particularly well and Jayne had a few suggestions. I mentioned that fellow student Fitz suggested the music was perhaps too contemporary & sent a link to more ambient sounds. I’ve found one I really like and Jayne agrees it’s a good idea to change. For consistency I need to check the transition speeds as some seem longer than others, as I’m changing the sound I will double check this when I remake the slideshow. Jayne also suggests keeping the eyes of each subject in the same place, I can adjust the images in Photoshop. A lovely idea Jayne had was to include a list of names at the end, I agree.

My artists statement.

Hireth: Remove the sentence “My digital montages consider the liminal space between my parent’s past and my own present” Jayne suggests avoiding the term liminal space…it  has become a bit of a cliche. Consider instead ‘collapsing time’. Rather than digital montage call them photo montages. 

Frozen (in time): Consider why ice used, it preserves, similarly a photograph is taken and kept to preserve a memory for longer.The damage caused by the ice mimics the progression of film, how over time it degrades. 

Jayne suggests I watch Elsa Dorfman film on Netflix.